Cause and Effect Essay Sample

How Music Affects the Human Body

               *this essay sample is provided by company

We are all well-familiar with how music can affect our mood in a positive manner, help us collect our thoughts, or even help release pent up aggression or anger. Simply put, music is good for the soul. However, we rarely stop to think about the way music affects our bodies, not just our minds. There is plenty of research available out there to suggest that music does indeed have some extremely positive effects on our bodies.

Of course, the most obvious way music can affect our physical bodies positively is by having us dance to it. It is a great way to get yourself moving, get the blood flowing, burn calories, and lose weight. However, it goes way deeper than that. Listening to music can actually alter our heart rates, even when we are stationary. Our hearts listen and respond to musical components such as tempo, pitch, volume, and frequency, not to mention the lyrics. The faster the song you are listening to, the faster your heart rate will be. So, if you are blasting some speed metal, your heart will beat faster. But, if you are listening to some smooth jazz, your heart rate will slow down.

Needles to say, these changes are fairly moderate, and you won’t experience any major peaks in your pulse, but they are there. This means music can really help us calm down in stressful situations, or raise our energy levels when we are not feeling too active. So, by affecting out heart rate, music affects our mood, and can help us relieve tension and stress. In other words, music can indirectly heal our physical bodies. Another aspect of our condition which can be influenced by music is our blood pressure. Relaxing and listening to music has shown to lower blood pressure, and reduce anxiety, stress, or even depression.

Music can even improve our immune system, even if you dedicate only 15 minutes to it per day. For instance, when you listen to music, certain protein levels will go up. That particular family of proteins is responsible for producing components inside your blood, such as blood platelets and lymphocytes. These, in turn, are responsible for protecting your body against diseases such as cancer or AIDS, not to mention less harmful ones, such as various strains of flu. If your immune system is working properly, your overall health will improve, and you will be more resistant to illnesses. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you should stop taking care of yourself and start eating junk food every day, just because you are listening to music.

Another aspect of our lives which can be improved by music is our ability to learn and memorize, and push our boundaries. Music can be a valuable addition when we are exercising, because it can help us extend our stamina and push ourselves beyond our current capabilities. On the other hand, listening to classical music, such as Mozart, can aid your learning process and help you retain your focus over longer periods of time when memorizing lessons, poems, or expanding your vocabulary in a foreign language. It is a well-known fact that children learning to play a musical instrument have performed better on test which involve intense concentration. Learning to play a musical instrument has other positive side effects, such as better discilpine, motivation, and behavior.

Finally, there are scientific evidence that suggest that music can actually inspire us, despite most people believing in the inspiring power of music already. You see, music can alter your brain waves, and lower their frequency. There are several different types of brain waves, such as alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves, all of which occur at different times and frequencies. Beta waves occur when you are doing regular activities or experiencing something negative. However, alpha waves, which vibrate at a lower frequency, usually occur when we are calm or intensely aware. Theta waves occur when we are at our most creative, or when we are meditating or sleeping. And there are delta waves, which are produced when we are experiencing deep sleep or unconscious state. As is evident, the lower the frequency of our brain waves, the more in tune we are with our creative capacities, and we can get there faster by adopting a simple, yet effective practice of listening to music every day.

All this evidence points to what we have already known. Music has an overwhelmingly positive influence on both our brains and our bodies, whether we are dancing to it, playing it ourselves, or simply listening to it. It can make us healthier, happier, and cause us to adopt a more positive outlook on life. It can inspire us and help us push past out limits. Music makes us better, and for that, we should celebrate its existence.

Persuasive Essay Sample

Should a Relaxed Dress Code Be Allowed In the Workplace?

               *this essay sample is provided by company

A dress code is a part and parcel of modern business. It has been designed to set the standards of discipline and create an appropriate image of a professional worker. Of course, there are numerous reasons behind dress codes which are used in workplaces, and each of them is used to identify a position, wellbeing or even protect an employee who works in the harmful environment. The way how you are dressed usually tells a customer, partner or co-worker who you are and what you have been doing at the company.

In other words, appropriate dress together with basic etiquette is associated with professionalism. First impression and judgments about people are formed by the way they dress. So, if the way your employee dresses affects the perception of your business by customer or partner, it becomes important to maintain standards of the dress code which should form a positive impression.

A dress code usually ranges from formal to semi-formal, and in some cases business casual. Wearing appropriate clothing during the work day helps employees to perform a different kind of tasks. For example, factory workers are wearing specially-designed overalls to protect them from a possible harmful environment. In hospitals, medical staff wears light, comfortable costumes which are aimed to diverse them from other visitors and of course not to constrain their moves, also it is not recommended to wear heavy jewelry since it can have a harmful effect and possible kill worker or patient during defibrillator usage. The office workers, however, have more freedom comparing with the examples provided above, since the majority of them are involved in performing a different kind of tasks which are not connected with human life and health.
So, in my opinion, companies should allow a relaxed dress code, but with restrictions depending on the position of a worker and the environment he works at. There are two main reasons why it is good to allow the employees to wear clothes they like. First is a comfort, any worker will perform effectively if he/she wears clothes in which he/she feels comfortable. The second reason is individuality, the time when grassroots in companies were in trend had passed and right now to create surroundings, where employees will feel unique and respective, becomes more and more important.

The IT staff, accounting  and billing departments, designers or other professional office workers, who are not working with clients and partners directly and don’t need to be presented at the official meetings can have a freedom in their style and wear clothes comfortable for them.  According to the latest researches the companies where dress code rules are flexible and provide a little freedom to their workers, the employees feel more comfortable and happier and perform their work effectively.

It is essential to note, that young workers are more likely to follow a dress code policy of senior staff, and usually fall into the case when without enough experience wearing a business suit  they look funny, either than professional. So here, to solve this issue, the more casual dress code should work.

But, as I have pointed out before the restrictions which will help to regulate employee’s appearance are still a must. For example, factory workers shouldn’t be allowed to wear nylon cloth, or office workers and especially people working face-to-face with a client are permitted to wear beach clothes or too open sexual clothes, also it should be permitted to come to the office wearing boxers or too short skirt and high heels. Moreover, in the last example, it can have a harmful effect not only on the working environment but also on woman health.
The other thing I have decided to consider is gender regulations connected with a dress code. In the majority of companies, the dress code rules for women and men are different. And in numerous countries, the outlining gender difference is the law violation that is why the differentiation between men and women’s appearance in the workplace must be eliminated. As a result, you shouldn’t prohibit women to wear jeans and T-shirts if men allowed to do so. According to BC Human Rights Tribunal, there are numerous cases when dress code can be different for men and women, so you need to ensure that these standards are comparable across genders. That is why, when such policies are presented to the company, employers should review them and make sure that they are fair enough to both genders.

So the development of dress code policies and regulations is still an important part of corporate culture, however, introduction of more relaxed dress code for employees comfort is needed. The limitations of dress code are based on the work conditions and tasks worker must perform. The business-like dress code will be good for official meetings; however, a performance of day to day tasks can become more effective in casual comfortable clothes.


  1. Holland, C. (2008, September 10). Does Casual Dress Affect Productivity? Retrieved September 19, 2016, from
  2. Dress Codes and Appearance Standards. (n.d.). Retrieved September 19, 2016, from